This is the latest version from 2025-01.
Our base data format is GeoJSON. This reads easily into many web applications as well as GIS software. Find out more about this standard format here
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Geographic projection id EPSG:4326 (WGS84).
GeometryCollection and MultiPolygon geometries are resolved to individual features.
ONEGEO building identifier. It can occur multiple times in order to connect building parts.
Attribute | Description |
name | building name alphanumeric i.e. Chrysler Building |
type | type of building alphanumeric i.e. commerce, residence |
height | total building height, meters numeric |
heightScore | quality index for height sources and precision numeric range: 0..1 |
minHeight | height at which a building part starts vertically (floating), meters numeric |
levels | total building levels numeric |
minLevel | levels at which a building part starts vertically (floating) numeric |
color | dominant color of building facade named colors, rgb() or #hex values alphanumeric |
material | dominant material name alphanumeric i.e. concrete, glass |
shape | building shape if unusual alphanumeric i.e. sphere, pyramid |
roofShape | roof shape alphanumeric i.e. skillion, flat, dome |
roofHeight | roof height (included in total height), meters numeric |
roofLevels | roof levels (add to buildings levels) numeric |
roofColor | dominant roof color alphanumeric named colors, rgb() or #hex values |
roofMaterial | dominant roof material name alphanumeric i.e. tiles |
roofDirection | direction where a roof is facing - clockwise in degrees from north numeric |
date | date on which the feature was last edited numeric i.e. 202103 |
built | date on which the feature was built numeric i.e. 196706 |
🛠️ area | beta, in development area of the building footprint, square meters (for total floor area multiply by levels) i.e. 152 |
🛠️ ele | beta, in development terrain elevation, meters i.e. 491 |
⚠️ buildingId | marked for deprecation - use feature IDs instead for complex buildings: used to connect building parts alphanumeric |
heightSrc | use heightScore instead deprecated |
origId | deprecated |
partId | deprecated |
roofAngle | use roofHeight + roofShape instead deprecated |
"id": "037111f-0b9e666-6c",
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"height": 8.8,
"color": "#e3e1c8",
"roofColor": "#b4c9b3",
"roofShape": "gabled",
"roofHeight": 1.3,
"roofDirection": 237.9
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[13.400488, 52.519056],
[13.400496, 52.519059],
[13.400499, 52.519060],
[13.400534, 52.519026],
[13.400532, 52.519025],
[13.400524, 52.519023],
[13.400488, 52.519056]